Syncing a node using state-sync
Follow this guide to setup a RPC node using state-sync. This guide was created and tested in MacOS and may need to be modified slightly for your local system.
State-sync nodes
Region | IP |
US | |
Region | IP |
US | |
Download binary
Make sure you are downloading the same version as our network is using.
You can find the available zetacored
versions here:
- Download the binary and give execution perms to the binary:
wget[BINARY_VERSION]/zetacored-darwin-amd64 -O /usr/local/bin/zetacored
chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/zetacored
Init base config
- Initialize the base folder and config with the following command:
Chain | ID |
Testnet | athens_7001-1 |
Mainnet | zetachain_7000-1 |
CHAIN_ID="[Replace with desired CHAIN ID]"
zetacored init ${MONIKER} --chain-id $CHAIN_ID
Download config files
- Download the genesis.json file and *.toml configuration files:
Environment | Configuration Files Repository |
Testnet | |
Mainnet | |
REPOSITORY_URL="[Config File Repository]"
wget ${REPOSITORY_URL}/main/network_files/config/genesis.json -O ~/.zetacored/config/genesis.json
wget ${REPOSITORY_URL}/main/network_files/config/config.toml -O ~/.zetacored/config/config.toml
wget ${REPOSITORY_URL}/main/network_files/config/app.toml -O ~/.zetacored/config/app.toml
wget ${REPOSITORY_URL}/main/network_files/config/client.toml -O ~/.zetacored/config/client.toml
State sync
- Fetch the height and hash from our state-sync servers (make sure to replace
<closest StateSync IP>
with the IP from our state-sync node):
STATE_SYNC_SERVER="[closest StateSync IP]:26657"
TRUST_HEIGHT=$(curl -s http://${STATE_SYNC_SERVER}/block | jq -r '.result.block.header.height')
TRUST_HASH=$(curl -s "http://${STATE_SYNC_SERVER}/block?height=${HEIGHT}" | jq -r '.result.block_id.hash')
NOTE: You need to sync from LATEST_HEIGHT - 40000 to make sure that the node will fetch an existing state-sync snapshot.
Replace config values
- Make sure to replace
[closest StateSync IP]
with the IP from our state-sync node, also replace with the desired seed node and run this block of code:
Environment | Seed Node |
Testnet | 5aaa51a3b9465a32f7f6c9df1d46d4bfcc16aecb@ |
Mainnet | 8d93468c6022fb3b263963bdea46b0a131d247cd@ |
RPC_STATE_SYNC_SERVERS="[closest StateSync IP]:26657,[closest StateSync IP]:26657"
SEED="[Seed Node from list]"
EXTERNAL_IP="$(curl -4"
sed -i "" -e "s/^enable = .*/enable = \"true\"/" ~/.zetacored/config/config.toml &&
sed -i "" -e "s/^rpc_servers = .*/rpc_servers = \"${RPC_STATE_SYNC_SERVERS}\"/" ~/.zetacored/config/config.toml &&
sed -i "" -e "s/^trust_height = .*/trust_height = \"${HEIGHT}\"/" ~/.zetacored/config/config.toml &&
sed -i "" -e "s/^trust_hash = .*/trust_hash = \"${TRUST_HASH}\"/" ~/.zetacored/config/config.toml &&
sed -i "" -e "s/^moniker = .*/moniker = \"${MONIKER}\"/" ~/.zetacored/config/config.toml &&
sed -i "" -e "s/^external_address = .*/external_address = \"${EXTERNAL_IP}\"/" ~/.zetacored/config/config.toml &&
sed -i "" -e "s/^seeds = .*/seeds = \"${SEED}\"/" ~/.zetacored/config/config.toml &&
sed -i "" -e 's/^max_num_inbound_peers = .*/max_num_inbound_peers = 120/' ~/.zetacored/config/config.toml &&
sed -i "" -e 's/^max_num_outbound_peers = .*/max_num_outbound_peers = 60/' ~/.zetacored/config/config.toml
Generate keys
zetacored keys add ${MONIKER} --keyring-backend test
Start node
zetacored start --home ~/.zetacored/ --log_level info --moniker ${MONIKER} --rpc.laddr tcp:// --minimum-gas-prices 1.0azeta "--grpc.enable=true"
The node will fetch a snapshot and start applying chunks. Once it gets to the last chunk, it will take a few more minutes to finish the state-sync and start commiting new blocks.
Common errors
Port error
accept tcp [::]:26657: use of closed network connection
- Check if something is running on port 26657
sudo lsof -i :26657
- Kill any process running on that port
kill -9 PID